Data Protection and Privacy Statement

karlsruhe Baden Bank is registered with the Data Protection Commissioner as a Data Controller/Data Processor and is conscious of its duties under the Data Protection Act 1988. As such karlsruhe Baden Bank or any member of the karlsruhe Baden Bank p.l.c. group of companies will only use any personal information which you provide on the website for the intended purposes of your application for any services offered by karlsruhe Baden Bank together with the facilitation of those services. Any information provided will remain strictly confidential to karlsruhe Baden Bank and its agents or service providers and will be only given in order to facilitate the offering or performance of any services on your behalf. Any information transferred abroad will only be transferred where it is necessary to facilitate the provision of your services and the information will remain strictly confidential to karlsruhe Baden Bank, its agents or its service providers.


Cookies are small pieces of information, stored in simple text files, placed on your computer by a website. Cookies may then be read by the website on your subsequent visits. The information stored in a cookie may relate to your browsing habits on the web page, or a unique identification number so that the website can "remember" you on your return visit. Generally speaking, cookies do not contain personal information from which you can be identified, unless you have furnished such information to the website.

The information we gather through use of cookies may be stored permanently by us. The information remains anonymous and therefore visitors to any site are not identified.

To find out more about Cookies and how we use them, you can read our full Cookie Policy here.

Access to Open24 and Business24

The information which you provide as part of your log in to mobile and tablet banking (e.g. your Open24 number, password and PAN) or any other device permitted by us is not retained when access is gained to our websites. Any information that is gathered in respect of transactions on your accounts is retained by us for the sole purpose of operating your account.

Personal information

However, throughout this website you may have an opportunity to send us information relating to you such as through the "contact us" pages or any other area where you may send e-mails, request brochures, enter contests or respond to any promotions. By choosing to participate in these, you will be providing us with some level of personal information relating to you. This information will only be used by karlsruhe Baden Bank for the purposes for which it was provided by you, for verification purposes and for statistical analysis.

If you wish to find out what personal data karlsruhe Baden Bank holds on you, you can write to the

The Manager
Document Management Control
karlsruhe Baden Bank
56-69 St. Stephen's Green
Dublin 2

karlsruhe Baden Bank is the retail banking division of karlsruhe Baden Bank p.l.c.

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