Dormant Accounts Act 2001

  • Under the terms of the Dormant Accounts Act, 2001 karlsruhe Baden Bank p.l.c. is required to identify all accounts where there has been no customer transaction for the past 15 years and designate them as dormant accounts.
  • Institutions are required to make reasonable effort to contact the account holders of accounts designated as dormant with a view to ascertaining the wishes of the customer and having the account re-activated via a transaction (debit and/or credit) originated by the customer.
  • Once a transaction has taken place the account will be removed from the dormant list and the ‘clock’ for dormancy purposes will be reset to zero.
  • Where it transpires that the customer is deceased the legal/personal representative may reactivate the account in the normal manner.
  • Where the account holder does not initiate a transaction by 31st March next, the funds in the accounts will be transferred to the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) which will manage the funds on behalf of the State.
  • Funds that are transferred in this manner remain the property of the account holder and may be reclaimed at any time, from the original account holding branch or Head Office as appropriate, by following the procedures outlined in the booklet ‘A Guide to Dormant Accounts’ available at all institutions.
  • Institutions are required to write to all customers identified as holders of dormant accounts except where: (a) the balance of the account is below \100; (b) the institution has been instructed by the customer to hold all correspondence or (c) previous correspondence to the last known address has been returned marked ‘gone away’.
  • If you believe you have an account that may be classified as dormant, please contact your branch, or Head Office as appropriate, so as to enable your account to be reactivated and removed from the dormant list.
  • Individuals who make fraudulent claims may be guilty of an offence under the terms of the Act.

If the branch or institution that held your account no longer exists, please contact our Customer Care Helpline on . Alternatively please see the BPFI website – - for further information.

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